Tuesday 9 March 2010

Poetry (the sort written under a veil of fatigue)

A Drifting Day

I drifted through today
It seemed like I was here but
Perhaps you imagined me?
I was smoke, not substance.

You thought you heard me but
I was a barely audible sigh
The concerto played around me.
I was a tentative note
Lost in the cacophony.

I was conscious but I was unconscious
I was present but I was absent
I was but I did not.
Every action was a weary exhalation
Where I was you could not be
A solitary planet.

You saw my face as I wafted past
My head was that of a dandelion
Quivering seed parachutes poised
To fly away. Anywhere.
To meander where I mused.
To drift.


Just something I began writing in my head as I cycled home from college today. I didn't get enough sleep last night so I spent the day in a haze of tiredness, hence the sensation of drifting. Hmm... it sounded better in my head. Ah well.


  1. This is really nice! I like how you've conveyed the idea of drifting structurally, as well as in the words.

    It's true though, about time and substance being relative... philosophical thoughts! :)


  2. Thanks :) Ahaa get you analysing my poetry, you English Lit student! I swear time actually conspires against me... it's always in a hurry except during French lessons.


  3. Haha, you're welcome... it's second nature to analyse the written word by now... xD

    True story... Whenever you're looking forward to something (or the end of something, as the case may be!) time always seems to go so much slower!

